7 Headphone Trends to Watch in 2019
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- Suki Wang
- Issue Time
- May 5,2019
Do you know that some of the technology used in current headphones is more than 100 years old? But still, headphones have been improved with time, and they have become more advanced. Following, we are going to discuss the latest trends that are forcing to drive the headphone industry in upcoming years. If you are an audiophile and you have your headphones on almost all the time, then you don’t want to miss out on these trends!

7 HeadphoneTrends to Watch in 2019
Do you know that some of the technology used in current headphones is more than 100 years old?But still, headphones have been improved with time, and they have become more advanced. Following, we are going to discuss the latest trends that are forcing to drive the headphone industry in upcoming years. If you are an audiophile and you have your headphones on almost all the time, then you don’t want to miss out on these trends!
1. Bone Conduction
This technology has been around for a while. The term sounds very ominous but its grounded more in physiology. The sound is nothing but a series of vibrations interpreted by the ear and brain. This vibration travels via air, however bone conduction sends these vibrations to upper portion of jaw, from where the sounds get into inner ear. The concept here is to offer a seamless route for sound into your ear. This tech has not been perfected yet.
2. Translation Headphone
This is not anew concept as well. It has been used in popular culture for a while now. It’s about time we see a real-life example of this headphone. Headphones are becoming more practical, and specific functions let you have a better understanding of your environment.
Be it amplifying headphones, hearing aids, or something else. Recently, it was confirmed that a big tech company is developing a pair of headphones which can translate more than 40 languages for the user in real time. This will be an incredible help for people who want to visit a foreign counter whose language they don’t understand.
3. Noise Cancelling
Several improvements are being introduced in noise-cancelling headphones. Noise cancelling wasn’t that effective before. Its nice of the companies taking notice and fixing that issue in time. Noise cancelling is among the few techs that are becoming very smooth with time.
With time, we are hopeful the revisions in this tech will block more extraneous sounds than before. Moreover, these headphones shoulder offers the user a choice noise filtering and noise acceptance.
4. USB-C Port
Just like smartphones, headphones are getting a new charging standard. This change is overdue because USB-C is a universally adopted port that is renowned for its versatility. A Marjory of products now charges via USB-C. Its true most companies do keep updated their tech while keeping the old charging standards with them. Almost every earbud or headphone introduced after mid-2018 featured a USB-C charging port.
The convenience of having a compatible charger for multiple devices can’t be understated.Therefore, we had to bring it out!
5. VR And Soundscape
With the introduction of Virtual and Augmented Reality, its obvious sound will have a better spatial complexity. The surround sound system gives its audience a nearly 360-degree sound experience. This promises a better immersion in whatever content is played.
In future,headphones will offer the same level of spatial sophistication. It will be a major improvement. This will become the utmost priority for developers all around. However, the success of this stuff depends on how well dos VR and AR fair in the future.
6. Internet of Things
We have started to see the smart tech being embedded into headphones. Due to this improvement,the headphones will be able to track your health and habits while offering the basic functionality of typical headphones. Yes, smartwatches and wearable tech get a lot of attention, but smart headphones might be the next step ahead in wearable technology.
7. General Improvements
Apart from these tech improvements, we are expecting some other improvements this year including aesthetics and wireless technology. Wireless headphones or headsets have been around for a while. They will have better sound, battery life, and aesthetics this year. Designers have been given enough time and tries, its time they perfect their product, and we expect tosee this come true this year.
Some headphone series will see a major redesign this year. These redesigns are geared to words long hours of comfortable use. Headphones are to be made lighter, and gentler in their embrace; this theme is expected to set the standards of headphones shortly.