V-Moda launches Crossfade M-100 Master, Hi-Res cans for creators
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- Suki Wang
- Issue Time
- Jul 30,2019
V-Moda has launched a new follow up to its popular Crossfade M-100, which promises to offer even better sound than its predecessor. It’s called the Crossfade M-100 Master.

by suki.wang@dgbosta.com July 30 2019
V-Moda has launched a new follow up to itspopular Crossfade M-100, which promises to offer even better sound than itspredecessor. It’s called the Crossfade M-100 Master.
While on the outsidethe headphones still very much look the same, V-Moda brought in help fromoutside when it came to designing and engineering the sound.
Roland - thewell known professional audio brand - took care of the tuning process, toensure the sound was designed primarily with creators in mind. So if you’re amusic producer/recorder, DJ or video streamer, this sound has been engineeredfor you.
As for thehardware, V-Moda’s latest headphones have 50mm dual-diaphragm drivers with anupgraded coil that has pushed the quality into bonafide Hi-Res Audio territory.
The aim, asalways for Roland, is to produce a sound that’s exciting and dynamic, whilealso ensuring that the balance and accuracy remains good throughout the rangeof frequencies. That means your bass should be well controlled and powerful,with clarity and detail in the highs.
One other keyimprovement for those who have worn the Crossfade M-100 before is in comfort.V-Moda has increased the size of the memory foam ear cushions which aredesigned to prevent any pressure points from developing, and also resist sweat,so you can wear them for hours at a time.
As is generallyalways the case, the headphones also have the classic V-Moda SteelFlexheadband, that’s flexible, but also incredibly sturdy, and also featuring theCliqFold mechanism that snaps the headphone cans inwards ready to store in theportable hard-shell case.
It’s worthnoting, these are wired headphones and ship with a standard cable with built-inmic, as well as a long audio cable for sharing audio and a gold-plated 3.5mm to¼-inch jack adapter.