Cable or wireless headphones, you want the answer here
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- Sep 6,2019
In fact, wireless headsets, especially bluetooth headsets, have been on the market for a long time. There are a lot of people collecting 3.5mm headphone cables, and in 2019 apple updated the second generation, so as the market grows, should headphones be wired or wireless?

In fact, wireless headsets, especiallybluetooth headsets, have been on the market for a long time.It wasn't untilapple introduced the first airpods a few years ago that the market officiallyopened up.Before that, we used the 3.5mm headphone jack as the mainstream.Thisapproach has become mainstream, and headphones are basically the same, so thereare a lot of people collecting 3.5mm headphone cables, and in 2019 appleupdated the second generation, so as the market grows, should headphones bewired or wireless?
Wirelessheadphones are the way to go in the long run, but there's no way to completelyreplace wired headphones.But now the trend is becoming more pronounced.As youcan see, most flagship phones have essentially eliminated the 3.5mm headphonejack.On the one hand, it is waterproof, on the other hand, it makes the phonethinner, reducing the thickness of the phone.Earphones are not the only audiooutput, but they are the most common and commonly used, so the trend is clear.
Judgingby the behavior of headphone manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers are noexception.Almost every handset manufacturer has its own wireless headset, andeven many professional headphone manufacturers.They are also graduallyintroducing wireless headphones, including SONY, Goethe, AKG, sennheiser andother traditional audio companies.The introduction of wireless headphones meansmanufacturers are moving away from wired headphones.
Judgingby the behavior of headphone manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers are noexception.Almost every handset manufacturer has its own wireless headset, andeven many professional headphone manufacturers.They are also graduallyintroducing wireless headphones, including SONY, Goethe, AKG, sennheiser andother traditional audio companies.The introduction of wireless headphones meansmanufacturers are moving away from wired headphones.
Backto the question, what are the options for wired and wireless headphones?Afterall, the trend is clear, but that doesn't mean wired headsets will be phasedout any time soon, as the advantages are still clear.
Firstof all, of course, the sound is good.Wired headphones certainly have bettersound quality than current wireless headphones.But we also need to seeimprovements in protocols, bluetooth, and so on.It's not impossible to surpasswired headphones in the future.It may be longer.
The secondis more stable connections.After all, wireless headsets are wireless bluetooth,so instability is normal.Especially for inferior earphones, it is very commonthat the sound size of the left and right ears is not balanced.As long as youuse wireless headphones to watch video, you will know a lot about the unsync ofsound and images.Speaking of which, if today's wireless headphones were usedfor chicken eating games, they might crash.
Thethird point is that wired headphones generally don't need charging.We shouldknow that wireless headphones now generally need to be charged.If there is noelectricity, there is nothing.But wired headphones don't have this problem, sothere's still a market for wired headphones.
Let'stalk about the pros and cons of wireless headphones:
Ofcourse, the first point is convenience. Instead of winding the cable, you canintelligently remove the wireless earphone from your pocket and put it on atany time, which is more convenient.
Thesecond is more functionality.Wireless headphones are typically used to makecalls and connect to mobile applications, as opposed to wired headphones, andcan free up both hands.Even many wireless headphones support the wake-up callof a voice assistant in an electronic wallet.
Thethird point is more suitable for exercise, wired headphones can also exercise,but really inconvenient.
Thefourth is the battery life, the original is short board, but with theacceleration of charging speed, chip progress, this is no longer a problem.
Inconclusion, if you want a more stable connection and better sound quality,wired headphones are certainly the first choice in the current situation, butthere are risks that they will be eliminated in the future.That is, when youbuy them, you either sell them second-hand or keep them as a collectible, whichis the trend of the future.Maybe it's not wise to choose wiredheadphones.Wireless headphones are definitely the future, don't you think ?